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Laravel Eloquent: Expert Level
Eloquent Model Options and Settings
Artisan Command make:model with (hidden) options (4:49)
Singular or Plural? What about multiple words? (3:55)
Saving a Model: $fillable or $guarded? (4:14)
Properties for Tables, Keys, Increments, Pages and Dates (5:42)
Create/Update in Eloquent
"Magic" methods: FirstOrCreate() and other 2-in-1s (3:55)
Model Observers: "listening" to record changes (4:56)
Accessors and Mutators: Change Model Values (4:55)
Database Seeds and Factories: Prepare Dummy Data (10:27)
Seeds and Factories with Relationships (6:49)
Check Methods/Properties in Eloquent API Docs (2:37)
Querying and Filtering Data Effectively
Advanced find() and all(): Methods and Parameters (4:36)
WhereX Magic Methods for Fields and Dates (4:16)
Brackets to Eloquent: (A and B) or (C and D) (3:26)
Query Scopes: Where Conditions Applied Globally (11:10)
Eloquent when(): More Elegant if-statement (3:31)
Ordering by Relationship: orderBy vs sortBy (2:45)
Raw Database Queries with Examples (2:52)
Eloquent Collections and their Methods
Why You Need Collections and How to Use Them (7:02)
Methods for Fetching and Transforming (8:11)
Methods for Filtering with Callbacks (5:26)
Methods for Math Calculations (3:38)
Methods for Debugging (3:08)
Advanced Eloquent Relationships
Polymorphic Relations Explained (9:55)
Polymorphic Many-to-Many Relations (4:47)
Advanced Pivot Tables in Many-to-Many (6:57)
HasManyThrough Relations (3:49)
Creating Records with Relationships (6:17)
Querying Records with Relationships (6:53)
Eloquent Performance
Laravel Debugbar: How to Measure Performance (3:44)
Performance Test: Eloquent vs Query Builder vs SQL (5:36)
N+1 Problem and Eager Loading: Be Careful with Eloquent (5:35)
Caching in Eloquent (5:32)
Useful Packages to Extend Eloquent
spatie/laravel-medialibrary: Associate files with Eloquent models (7:48)
dimsav/laravel-translatable: Package for Multilingual Models (10:21)
spatie/eloquent-sortable: Sortable Eloquent Models (4:43)
spatie/laravel-tags: Add Tags and Taggable Behavior (4:09)
owen-it/laravel-auditing: Record the Changes From Models (4:37)
michaeldyrynda/laravel-cascade-soft-deletes: Cascade Delete & Restore (3:49)
Practical Mini-Projects
Create a Laravel Mini-Blog in 2 hours (18:49)
N+1 Problem and Eager Loading: Be Careful with Eloquent
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