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SOLID Code in Laravel
Before We Begin: What is SOLID and My Initial Thoughts (2:08)
SOLID Principles: One by One with Examples
S: Single-Responsibility Principle - Too Big Methods (5:51)
S: Single-Responsibility Principle - Too Big Controllers (4:10)
O: Open-Closed Principle - Report Formats with New Classes (5:03)
O: Open-Closed Principle - Vendor in Laravel (2:48)
O: Open-Closed Principle - Eloquent Attribute with Salary Calculator (4:04)
L: Liskov Substitution Principle - Type-Hint Everything (6:21)
I: Interface Segregation Principle - Default Laravel Models (3:21)
I: Interface Segregation Principle - Separate Data and Download (2:52)
D: Dependency Inversion Principle - Pass the Parameter as Interface (3:28)
D: Dependency Inversion Principle - Report Interface (1:44)
Examples in Open-Source Repositories
Monica CRM: 4 Principles with Some Potential Improvements (12:11)
Koel Music Service: Useful Services and Kinda Useless Repositories? (7:05)
Spatie Media Library: HasMedia Interface with Trait Implementation (4:20)
Laravel Fortify: Override Views for All Pages (3:00)
How to Make Your Code SOLID?
Tools for Static Analysis to Detect SOLID Violations: Larastan, PHP Insights, PHP Metrics (22:06)
Other Principles and SOLID Criticism
DRY: Blade Components (3:02)
Fowler's Code Smells (2:06)
YAGNI And Premature Optimisation (4:52)
SOLID is Too Old? Introducing SHOC and CUPID (3:41)
Final Words
So How to Apply SOLID in Everyday Coding? (2:17)
Monica CRM: 4 Principles with Some Potential Improvements
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