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[Mini-Course] Laravel Breeze with User Role Areas
Course Lessons
Intro: What's Inside The Course (1:03)
Install Breeze and Create Student Timetable Page (6:57)
Route Group: 3 Ways to Separate Groups by Roles (5:18)
Removing the Dashboard: Auto-Redirect to Student Timetable (2:21)
Role Model/Migrations, Seeder and Teacher Registration (5:17)
Separating Teacher and Student Layouts (8:46)
Auto-Redirect to Correct Area after Login/Register (2:46)
Permissions: Restrict Role Areas with Middleware (3:15)
Quick Route Trick for Same Controllers in Different Namespaces (1:53)
Wrapping it Up: Repeat Same Logic for Admin Area (5:45)
Separating Teacher and Student Layouts
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