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Laravel 9 For Beginners: Your First Project
Intro and Static Pages
Install Laravel with Composer and Laravel Installer (3:49)
Basic Routing and Views: URLs and Default Laravel Homepage (2:25)
HTML to Blade: Homepage Design with CSS Assets (4:01)
Main Menu, Blade "Extends" and "Section": Text Pages like "About", "Contact" (6:23)
Viewing Data from Database
DB Structure, Laravel Migrations and .env Configuration (8:31)
MVC: Model, Controller and Blade @foreach (6:56)
Second Model for Posts, GET Parameters and Eloquent "Tricks" (7:17)
Route Parameters and Route Model Binding (4:45)
Managing Data as Administrator
Generate Login/Register with Laravel Breeze (7:40)
Generate Admin User: Factories and Seeds (5:25)
Manage Categories CRUD: Table, Edit, Create, Delete (15:28)
Middleware and Route Groups: Auth and Custom (5:54)
Eloquent Relations, N+1 Query and Debugbar (7:14)
Form Validation: Controller and Form Request Class (4:10)
What's Next: Laravel Roadmap Learning Path (2:04)
Eloquent Relations, N+1 Query and Debugbar
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