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How to Structure Laravel Project
Core Laravel MVC: Working with Controllers/Models/Views
Use More Eloquent: Accessors/Mutators, Scopes, Observers & "Magic" Methods (10:09)
Controllers and Routes: Where to Put "Extra" Methods? (8:53)
Structuring Blade Files: @extends, @yield and Other Commands (13:17)
Custom Base Controllers and Base Models (5:13)
Configuration: Never Use env() Directly in Controllers/Models (5:26)
Custom Laravel Classes Inside app/ Folder
Form Request Classes for Validation (4:35)
User Notifications: Stop Using Mail::send() (5:50)
Jobs, Queues and Scheduling Tasks (5:04)
Events and Their Listeners (7:15)
API Resources for Data Transformation (9:17)
Global Helpers, External PHP Classes, Autoloading and PSR-4 (6:52)
SOLID Principles with Examples
1. Single-Responsibility Principle (6:35)
2. Open-Closed Principle (11:36)
3. Liskov Substitution Principle (4:22)
4. Interface Segregation Principle (5:17)
5. Dependency Inversion Principle (4:43)
Growing Bigger: Design Patterns
Repositories: to Use or Not to Use? (9:11)
When/How to Use Service Classes? (6:35)
Traits: Good Practice or Last Resort? (4:50)
Dependency injection in PHP and Laravel (6:30)
Adapter, Strategy, Factory and Other Fancy Words (5:28)
Wait, What About Unit Testing? (5:34)
Packages and Open-Source Projects
Create Your Own Laravel Package (9:19)
Laravel Modules: Package by Nicholas Widart (7:02)
Review: Akaunting Open-Source Project Structure (40:50)
Review: Community Portal Structure (12:02)
Review: MonicaHQ - Personal CRM Project Structure (41:54)
Practical Examples
Public Website + Adminpanel: Reusing Classes and Features (12:15)
Refactoring Big Controller Into Various Classes/Methods (14:54)
Jobs, Queues and Scheduling Tasks
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