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How to Structure Databases in Laravel
Intro: Relationships Crash Course
BelongsTo, BelongsToMany or Polymorphic? Three Examples. (8:02)
Rare Cases of HasOne Relationship (2:58)
Database Normalization: 1/2/3 Normal Forms (4:43)
HasMany: Delete Parent - What Happens with Children? (10:53)
Examples of Open-Source Laravel Databases
October CMS: is_xxx VS xxx_at, and belongsTo/belongsToMany (2:13)
Koel Music Streaming Service: Untypical Pivot Tables (2:43)
Attendize: Large Tables, Accounts/Users and Pivots on Steroids (4:42) Polymorphic All the Things! (2:58)
Exploring Different Structures and Elements
UUID instead of ID: When/How? (5:05)
JSON DB Fields: Yay or Nay? (6:45)
ENUMS, Foreign Keys, or Just String? (8:00)
Custom Fields. EAV: Entity-Attribute-Value Model (8:20)
Recursive Parent-Children - Part 1: Unlimited Subcategories (5:07)
Recursive Parent-Children - Part 2: Nested Set Model with Package (4:11)
Invoice Numbers with Prefixes: How to Structure DB? (9:25)
Order Statuses: Relationship or Same Table? (4:11)
Column Indexes: when/why/how to Apply Them (7:11)
How to Safely Change DB Relations in Live Laravel Project? (11:21)
Getting Data from Larger DB: Practical Example Projects
Project 1. Tournament with Places: TOP 100 Tournaments/Prizes (8:09)
Project 2. Eshop with Categories, Discounts and Similar Products (10:11)
Recursive Parent-Children - Part 2: Nested Set Model with Package
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