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Better Eloquent Performance
About the Course: What's Inside? (2:16)
N + 1 Query Problem
What is N + 1 Query: Typical Example, Debugbar and Eager Loading (3:43)
N + 1 Query: "Deeper" Examples - Packages and Count (4:49)
Eager Loading with load() and $with (2:14)
Detect and Prevent N + 1 Query: With Package or Laravel 8.43+ (2:55)
Optimizing RAM Consumption
With() VS WithCount(): Out of RAM Memory? (2:49)
Aggregation: withAvg(), withMin() and withMax() (3:12)
Example Demo: Teachers and Students Dashboards (3:23)
Select Only What You Actually Need (2:31)
Collections: filter(), map() or DB Query? (2:43)
API Return: Kilobytes Optimization (2:11)
Optimizing CPU and Queries: Make the Database Work
Be Careful with Eloquent Accessors and Foreach (4:19)
Eloquent vs Query Builder: whereHas vs join() vs Raw SQL (5:20)
Example Demo: whereHas vs join() on DEEPER relationships (3:43)
SubQueries and SubSelects: One Step Towards Raw SQL (2:44)
Query Result Caching: With or Without Package (5:07)
Faster Seeds with Insert and Chunk (4:04)
Relationships to the Same Table
E-Shop with Three-Level Categories: Tree and Product List (4:55)
E-Shop with Unlimited Subcategory Levels (3:54)
Using Nested Set Package for Unlimited Subcategory Levels (4:37)
What's Next
What if Your Queries are Still Slow? (2:01)
Faster Seeds with Insert and Chunk
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