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Laravel Filament Admin: Practical Course
What's Inside The Course (2:35)
What's Filament, How It Works and Comparison with Alternatives (2:35)
Filament Installation and User Restrictions (4:12)
First Model Resource: Products
Product Resource: Menu, Simple Table and Forms (4:29)
Redirect to List after Create/Edit (1:04)
Sort Table by Columns (1:24)
Search in Table by Columns (1:06)
Column Validation Rules (1:01)
Money Column and Mutate Data Before Saving/Showing (3:48)
Slug from Name with Auto-Complete (2:02)
File Upload: Image Column (1:36)
Second Model Resource: Vouchers
BelongsTo: Dropdown for Voucher Product (5:11)
Labels for Fields: in Table and Forms (1:01)
Validation Unique and Input Type Number (2:29)
HasMany Relationship: Use withCount in Table (1:31)
Restricting Edit on Some Condition of the Record (2:25)
Third Model Resource: Users
Upgrade to Filament v2.13 and Date Format in Table (3:59)
Restrict Create and Delete Users, Enable Only Edit (3:01)
Change Password Action: in the Edit Page, and in the Table (8:34)
Fourth Model Resource: Payments
Generate Resource and Disable Create/Edit/Delete (3:08)
Date Filters for Payment From/Until (4:00)
Table Column: URL Link to Another Resource (2:34)
Table Footer: Total Column Calculations (3:22)
Global Features of Admin Panel
Global Search in Multiple Resources (2:49)
Menu Items: Icons, Grouping, Ordering and Badges (4:40)
Static Page: About Us (1:35)
Dashboard Widgets: Stats, Table and Chart (8:02)
BelongsToMany Relations
Product Tags: Simple MultiSelect (2:39)
Relation Managers: Attach or Create a New Tag (3:44)
Roles and Permissions
Permissions using Laravel Policies (4:56)
Filament Plugins: Roles and Permissions with Shield (5:56)
Customizing Layouts
Modal Forms with Simple Resources (2:52)
Form Layouts: Columns, Cards, Fieldsets, Sections, Tabs, Wizards (6:34)
Customizing Full Layout Colors (5:31)
Repeater Field: Create Invoice with Items (8:28)
Dashboard Widgets: Stats, Table and Chart
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