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Vue Inertia + Laravel: From Scratch
What's Inside The Course (2:10)
What is Inertia, What is SPA, and Why You Need It (7:37)
Practical Example: Table of Data
From Vue + API to Vue Inertia: Table of Data (6:52)
Protect Your Inertia Data with API Resources (3:23)
SPA With Links
New "About" Page with Links Menu (8:08)
Progress Indicators For Slower Pages (1:55)
Extract Repeating Menus as Main Layout (5:40)
Head Section and Title: Inertia Component (2:47)
Multiple Layouts: Login Form (4:37)
Create Post Form: Component and Submit in SPA (6:40)
Form Validation and Multi-Submit Prevention (3:44)
Flash Success Messages in Inertia (2:52)
Delete Record with Confirmation (3:36)
Edit Form with Passing Props (5:30)
Authentication and Authorization
Working Login Form (5:59)
Logout and Link with POST Method (2:25)
Show User Data in Header (2:04)
User Roles and Permissions Protection (7:53)
Logout and Link with POST Method
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